Common Name: Jocotoco Antpitta
Scientific Name: Grallaria ridgelyi

Distribution: Known only from a very small area in south Ecuador and north Peru. Almost exclusively seen in the Tapichalaca Reserve, Ecuador.

Biology: The Jocotoco Antpitta is one of the largest and most striking species of antpitta. Despite its conspicuous appearance, the species was only discovered recently in 1997, with its scientific description in 1999. The species is found in rugged forest in humid highlands, where it seems to prefer undergrowth dominated by mosses, compared to iother representatives of its family. However, like other species of antpitta, the Jocotoco forages for invertebrates on the ground, amongst leaf litter and other organic debris, using its strong legs to quickly manuever the undergrowth.

IUCN Conservation Status: Endangered
Due to its small range of at best just under 200 km2 and subsequent tiny population, the Jocotoco Antpitta is one of the rarest species of antpitta in the world. Much of its biologi is still unknown, and actual population size is hard to determine due to the elusive habits of the species.
However, the species has received great conservational attention, and is the mascot of the
Jocotoco Foundation and as such the long term survival of this antpitta is of utmost importance to this NGO. The Tapichalaca Reserve was founded to protect the species, and it is the only place in the world where the species can be readily observed, thanks to the dedicated efforts of local rangers, who have trained the birds to visit feeding stations.


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