Get Involved

How can you help protect birds and their habitats from all over the planet?

There are several ways that you can help endangered birds:

  • Vote for nature:

    As citizens and consumers in a society each and every one of us can have a positive impact through our everyday choices.
    When it comes nature conservation one effective way is to make sure to encourage your local and national politicians to govern with the environment in mind, and making this a primary influencer and focus point during elections. Educate yourself about what politicians in your political “neighbourhood” values and consider nature in their decision making, and then vote accordingly.

  • Be a environmentally conscious consumer:

    Secondly, the choices you make as a consumer on a everyday basis drives the industry; if more people choose products which has been produced in a environmentally conscious way, the market for such products will grow, and so will the technologies which facilitates such a considerate production.
    Remember: many a little makes a mickle.

  • Support local ecotourism:

    Around the world many local communities provide great value to the conservation of endangered species, through their engagement in the protection of land. As a aware traveler and birdwatcher, supporting such local ecotourism pioneers help cementing ecotourism as a viable source of income and therefore help the local communities in engaging in the protection of natural environments. In the end, it is the communities surrounding fragile environments that have the biggest impact on the continued existence of these habitats, and thus it is important that they, the locals, are able to benefit financially from the natural environment - in a sustainable way.

    Examples of supporting local ecoturisme would be to choose local guides, and visit a wide range of reserves - while on the other hand avoiding supporting activities that have a negative impact on the local wildlife (one example being to steer clear of souvenirs made from wildlife, and avoided participating in activities that negatively influence the habitat)

  • Support NGOs:

Another way is to support NGOs which mission is to protect natural environments and their wildlife.

Showing engagement through financial support is giving organisations the means to protect important wildlife areas, and influence political decision making which in turn facilitates the continued existence of avian environments.
Birds are indicator species which mean that their presences and level of thriving reflects the status of the environment they call home.
Indeed, by ensuring that avian species all over the world are protected we in turn ensure that many other natural wonders are conserved - for years and generation, both avian and human, to come.

Below you’ll find a handpicked selection of NGOs which mission is to do exactly this.

  • BirdLife International

    BirdLife International is in fact a global partnership of individual NGOs who work to conserve birds and their habitats, by identifying, restoring and maintaining these, while also empowering conservationists from all over the world.

    Supporting BirdLife International is your way to contribute to the broadest amount of conservational work relevant for avian species worldwide.

  • Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust

    The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust main focus is to save endangered species from extinction. To achieve this the Trust works with local governments and communities as well as other conservation organisations to protect and save threatened wildlife. The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust also has their own breeding center and zoological park at Les Augrès Manor on the island of Jersey in the English Channel. Here the Trust manages several breeding programs for endangered species, with the idea of securing a captive population that may support the wild.

    By supporting the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust you help facilitate the continued conservation of some of the rarest wildlife on the planet.

  • Rainforest Trust

    Rainforest Trust is an NGO which foremost purpose is to acquire land of forested environments with the purpose of turning it into conservation areas and thus protect the wildlife as well as native communities found within.
    To date Rainforest Trust has helped protect over 20,000,000 acres (81,000 km2) of habitat in the Americas, Asia and Africa.
    The Trust has several ongoing projects focused on protecting certain species and environments especially threatened by habitat loss, which supporter can choose to fund directly.
    Other than that it is possible to support the Trust without selecting a particular projet, but with the comfort knowing that any contribution will help in the protection of vital inhabitants for species in need.

  • Galapagos Conservation Trust

    The Galapagos Conservation Trust foremost goal is to protect the wonderful wildlife endemic to the Galapagos archipelago. Through charity work the Trust supports ongoing projects in the archipelago focused on the conservation of especially endangered species and their habitats within the Galapagos. The Trust also works to raise global awareness about the island environment and the treats it faces.

    Supporting the Galapagos Conservation Trust is the best way to ensure that you help the important conservational work conducted in the islands, to the benefit of the unique wildlife found in the archipelago.

  • Jocotoco Conservation Foundation

    The Jocotoco Conservation Foundation (Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco) is an Ecuadorian NGO which focuses on the protection of some of the rarest species of birds native to the country. The foundation manages several reserves, which represents many of the unique habitats of western South America and constitutes some of the most important remaining refuges for many of the country’s 1600+ avian species.

    By supporting the Jocotoco Conservation Foundation you are contributing to the conservation of Ecuadors birds, by supporting the continued existence, expanding and managing of these reserves and thus the protection of the species found within.

  • Islands Conservation

    Island Conservation is a NGO which focus is to protect island species and their habitats. These insular environments are some of the most vulnerable and the species found on many smaller island have become endangered following human colonisation and the subsequent degradation of habitat and introduction of non-native predators for which the native island fauna often has no defences against. The latter threat is one that Island Conservation has specialised in tackling, and the NGO has had several succesful eradication projects around the world, as well as having developed new techniques to accomplish the challenging task of removing alien species - and this of course being accomplished in a environment friendly and sustainable way.

    Island Conservation also works with local communities to manage relevant conservation programs which also work to collect important knowledge about the insular environment at hand.

    By supporting Island Conservation you will in turn help in the protection of some of our world’s most unique species, those natural colonists who’s existence is tied to the preservation of their island home.