Common Name: Lava Gull
Scientific Name: Leucophaeus fuliginosus

Distribution: Endemic to the Galapagos archipelago, where it can be found on all islands, except the northernmost islands of Darwin and Wolf.

Biology: The Lava Gull is one of the many species unique to the Galapagos Archipelago, where it can be found along the coast, where it prefers sandy beaches. However, it can also be found within the harbours and cities, where its lack of shyness allow city dwellers and turists alike to observe the species up close.
The species is a thorough opportunist and scavenger, and feeds on a large array of animalian prey. Pairs maintain large territories throughout the year, and are highly territorial towards other Lava Gulls.

IUCN Conservation Status: Vulnerable
The Lava Gull is considered the rarest species of gull in the world, with a estimated population of only 300-600 individuals in total. Due to this small population and the species limited range, it is considered vulnerable, due to the changes that may happen to its habitat as a result of (accidental) introduction of alien predators, as well as climate related changes. However, since the entire population is found within the Galápagos National Park, it receives high conservation attention.


São Tomé Ibis


Galapagos Dove